14 December, 2015 20:10
The drifters will mesure temperature, salinity, depth, oxygen and chlorophyll ! #oceancience @kontiki2
The drifters will mesure temperature, salinity, depth, oxygen and chlorophyll ! #oceancience @kontiki2
Rise and beans! Everyday! But soon we run out of gas and can’t make hot food.. #kontiki2
It’s Monday! That means Everybodey gets their weekly roll of toilet paper? #DontLooseItInTheWater #kontiki2
We are still working to get the CTD up! It takes over 6000 turns whit this thing! @kontiki2 ?⏳
Now we have sent the CTD far down in the ocean and have to get it up again whit manpower! ? #HopeTheRopeDontBreak
Denne dingsen her kalles en CTD(koster ca 200 000kr) og skal hjelpe oss med å forske på forurensning? @NivaForskning